Thanks for your interest in supporting our C2A program.
choose2advance, llc has been organized as a “Social Enterprise”. Although we don’t plan to make a profit, we hope to earn enough money each year to build a self-sustaining program. Our goal is to offer this great program without a lot of fundraising and knocking on doors. The Founder has funded the start-up costs associated with launching the program.
The participants themselves fund most of the program with the $99 per month fee they pay. By paying the fee they help make sure the program is still here in years to come to help the next young professional heading up the ladder. #payitforward
We can accept donations (and provide tax deduction information if needed). We do this through some partner organizations with similar goals here in MWV (employment, housing, outdoor recreation).
Below we have listed a number of ways that you can support the program. Find the one that feels like the right fit for you. Thank You!
The #1 way that you can support the C2A Mission is to consider sharing your home with these young professionals launching their careers here in the MWV.
Other important ways to support the choose2advance mission and program. Just find the one that fits right for you.
Foundation Members, Business Supporters, Government Agencies, Community Donations, and Business & Trade Organizations. (see descriptions below)
Foundation Members
Our Foundation Members have agreed to give support of $100 annually. Renew each year only if you can/want to continue. (We will contact you each year to see if you can remain a Foundation Member.)
This kind of support not only supports the program’s functional foundation, but it also helps us attract business and government assistance. It helps to get them on board when they see that we have a community of folks “committed” to the long-term mission of the program.
Business Sponsors
Beyond the participant, who gets to save toward their 6 months of Emergency Savings, the MWV Business Community benefits the most from this program. With C2A offering this program to their employees they increase job satisfaction and attract new employees to the area.
Our Business Community can do one or more of the following.
They personally join as Foundation Members.
They offer to pay their employee’s $99/month fee allowing them to save even more each month.
They partner directly with C2A as a Business Sponsor for $500/year. Their logo and/or name is advertised by us to honor their commitment to the program.
Offer products as gifts for participants. (Especially for the homeowners providing this opportunity)
Offer their location for meetings to gather homeowners and/or participants who are in the program and/or want to learn about the program.
Government Agencies
We share a lot of common goals with many of New Hampshire’s and MWS’s government agencies.
Attracting a Work Force to the MWV Area
Helping with Work Force Retention in the MWV.
Financial Literacy Goals and helping participants gain financial security through developing Emergency Savings Accounts.
We will look to support these common goals with your agency, and we will welcome any support government agencies can provide to help build and support the C2A program.
Community Supporters
The community at large is encouraged to support the program with any financial amount feels right to them. This can be a one-time contribution or can happen every year. (Foundation Members).
We really welcome any help that we can get to develop and maintain this opportunity for our young professionals here in the MWV.
Business and Trade Organizations
We share a lot of common goals with many of New Hampshire’s and MWV’s Business and Trade Organizations.
Attracting a Work Force to the MWV Area
Helping with Work Force Retention in the MWV.
Worker stability and increased satisfaction through business partnerships where their employees get to take advantage of this amazing opportunity to save money through the C2A Program.
We will look to support these common goals and we will welcome any support the various Business and Trade Organizations can provide to help build and support the C2A program.
Your Idea? Yes, Please!
Do you have an idea that might help us build our program?
Do you have a service that you could provide that would reduce our costs and allow us to do more with less?
Please contact us with your idea!
Do you just want to be in the loop? Please, get on our mailing list by emailing us or follow along on Instagram. (Link on top bar)
We have big plans to continue to grow this program in a way that will support the Mt. Washington Valley Businesses and attract the Young Professionals we need to build our community for years to come.
We are already blown away by the support that the C2A program has received, and … we are just getting started!
We look to continue to gain traction and build upon the “neighbor helping neighbor” culture that already widely exists here in the MWV Community.
Thank You!