What Problem is the C2A Program Trying To Solve?
How can we help our young professionals save six months of Emergency Savings?
The biggest expense for our MWV young professionals is “housing”. Not just rent, but utilities, cable/Wi-Fi, insurance and so on. Easily these costs can be over $1500/month.
Most young professionals who are launching businesses and building their careers here in the MWV do not have 6 months Emergency Savings. Most financial experts state that establishing 6 months of Emergency Savings is an essential building block necessary for financial security of the Middle Class.
It is our goal, that after 6 months of participation in the C2A program, our participants will have generated a minimum of $8-10,000 in savings! This is a remarkable opportunity for these young professionals to “get ahead”.
Not having 6 months of emergency savings leaves these young professionals vulnerable to not having the funds to ride out any setbacks in their career plans. These kinds of setbacks often require that they leave our community for new opportunities.
Our community needs these young professionals to start businesses, launch successful careers and settle down some roots in our community. Their staying and growing their careers here in the MWV will help us continue to build on our already unique and vibrant community.
We grow stronger as a community when our young professionals are successful!