Our C2A Core Values and Beliefs:
Our Young Professionals
Participants in this program will clear background checks and will respect this opportunity and C2A mission.
They already have a good job - just not enough savings to be on good footing.
They will be career minded and motivated to succeed.
We fully expect that our participants will go on to do great things in our community.
We hope that you will help “choose2advance” these young professionals.
Middle Class
The Middle Class is the backbone of our community.
And, everyone deserves a shot at reaching the Middle Class.
Emergency Savings
Working adults need 6 months of Emergency Savings to keep them stable when the unexpected comes along.
Less financial stress leads to happier and more productive employees and community members.
We Can Do This!
Today’s problems can be solved with creative solutions.
And, we don’t want to just wait around for help to arrive some somewhere outside of our community.
Local, Local, Local
The C2A program is being created to help our neighbors right here living in the MWV.
To further support the local community, the C2A program will use ever effort to use local businesses for our program needs.
We Support the Outdoor Industry
We love the natural environment that surrounds the MWV, and we strive to target, and support the Outdoor Industry and their efforts to keep our area beautiful, natural and accessible.
MWV Rocks!
Our MWV community already has a culture of helping their neighbors. We hope to build on that ethic.
We have a desire to help and serve others on their journey through life.
Yay for Baby Boomers
As Baby Boomers we lived in a great American era. Arguably the most prosperous era ever. As a result, we are likely in the best position financially of any generation in history. Also, having launched our own children we have the living spaces necessary to help these young professionals thrive.
We know that Baby Boomers want to help future generations live rewarding lives.
It’s our privilege, and perhaps our responsibility, to try and help our young professional neighbors who are just launching their careers.
As members of this community, we also don’t want to be isolated from the opportunity to help our neighbors establish roots.
We welcome the opportunity to share our good fortunes with those just launching their careers. They are our community’s future.
A Strong America
The MWV community, as well as our whole country’s furure is dependent on us helping our young professionals thrive.
They are our future job creators.
They will own and operate our small businesses.
They are the future!